Give the Gift of the Great Outdoors to Trans Youth
When you donate to or sponsor Transcending Adolescence, you're doing more than just supporting a nonprofit organization. You're letting trans youth know you believe in them and that you want to help provide a safe, supportive environment and program that enables them to develop the mental and emotional tools they need to thrive.
Why Your Support Matters
LGBTQ youth who report having at least one accepting adult were 40% less likely to report a suicide attempt in the past year (Source: Accepting Adults Reduce Suicide Attempts Among LGBTQ Youth)
of LGBTQ youth report experiencing symptoms of anxiety (Source: 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health)
of transgender and nonbinary youth said that they have worried about transgender people being denied the ability to play sports due to state or local laws (Source: 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health)
After Attending Our Program:
of campers who responded to our post camp survey stated that they found campfire conversations helpful
of campers who responded to our post camp survey stated they felt less anxious
of campers who responded to our post camp survey stated they had less suicidal thoughts
of campers who responded to our post camp survey stated they felt more prepared to handle transphobia
Ways to Give
Make a Donation
Making a monetary gift to Transcending Adolescence is the most direct, impactful way to support us. Whether you make a one-time contribution or generously set up a recurring donation, you're making a big difference for transgender youth.
Sponsor a Camper
We are hoping to make our next Resilience Retreat easily accessible for everyone who wants to attend, so we are asking for your help with sponsoring camperships this year. If you're able, please select one of the following contribution options so we can get as many campers as the facility will allow!
Become a Sponsor
Becoming a sponsor helps us cover necessary operating and administrative costs, supports programming and activities and sets the foundation for us to serve more youth in the future. Please contact to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
Partnership Spectrum
Supporter: $0-$2,499
Ally: $2,500-$4,999
Partner: $5,000+